Hi, I'm Akshey - a passionate software developer with a deep interest in AI and full-stack development. I'm currently pursuing my degree at the University of Michigan and love working on my skills through various projects and exploring a wide array of technologies.
When I'm not coding, you can find me learning, working out, or tackling new challenges. Nice to meet you!
A 'goldspike', endless space runner game with cloning.
Developed the game in two weeks with Unity using C#. Click the link to play the game online!
Learn MoreA remake of the first dungeon of the original NES Legend of Zelda game
Collaborated with a peer to develop the game in Unity using C#. The game features the first dungeon from the original NES version. Click the link to play the game online!
Learn MoreAn American Sign Language (ASL) Translator utilizing Google's Gemini API
Collaborated with 2 team members to create a React and Flask web app to allow users to record videos signing and translate American Sign Language (ASL) into English via Gemini 1.5’s Video API. Submitted as part of MHacks x Google Hackathon
Learn MoreA website application leveraging modern web technologies
Created using Next.js, React, and Typescript, featuring GSAP, tsParticles, Tailwind CSS, and more to come! Deployed via Github Pages.
Learn MoreA Neural Network utilizing Python libraries to predict NBA Champions
Trained a neural network to predict the chance of NBA teams to make the finals based on championship data from over 25 years of previous seasons utilizing pandas, the NBA API, and tensorflow with scikit-learn
Learn MoreBe sure to check back often for new updates!
I'm currently working in one-week sprints 😜